Tag - recurring revenue

Chris Hotze Houston

4 Reasons Real Estate is a Strong Addition to Your Retirement Plan

Modern professionals spend a lot of time planning for retirement, a tradition that has been going strong for centuries. It’s a simple fact that at some point, you’re going to want to kick back, stop working and enjoy a nice relaxed retirement. Most people plan their entire careers for this moment. The right amount of savings to tide you over, the right amount of interest-bearing accounts, investments, and backup plans to make sure that no matter what happens, you’ll [...]

Real estate investing book

The Primary Benefits of Owning Income Producing Real Estate

Have you considered investing in income property but have yet to do so? While it is perfectly normal to feel apprehensive before making a big decision such as purchasing real estate, there are many benefits to owning rental property, particularly since homeownership is at an all-time low. The fact is that not only have home values risen greatly in recent years making homeownership difficult for first-time buyers, but also, young Americans appreciate the flexibility renting offers, as these individuals [...]

Chris Hotze Houston

Strategies for Creating an Investment Mindset: Start with Investing in Yourself

Creating an investment mindset doesn’t begin and end with thinking about your money. When you look at your money, you want it to work for you: to take a small fund and build it into a larger one that will help create an income stream for you later, whether you’re hoping to build money for retirement or to have additional funds for a specific purpose. In order to make the most out of the investment opportunities available to you, [...]

Recurring Revenue

Developing a Recurring Revenue Mindset

Do you have a deep desire for financial freedom? Many people today struggle with the way the world is moving around them. They worry that the job today won’t be around forever: that they could walk into their place of business tomorrow and find that it’s no longer available. They worry about what their health will do over time, making it impossible for them to work–or when a member of their family will need more care than they’re able [...]